

Friday, July 6, 2018

Santos Doll Class Recap

Hi and happy Friday!! Jennalee here today. A couple Saturdays ago I had the privilege of  teaching my first class at my favorite vintage shop Bits and Pieces . I taught 6 lovely ladies how to make these mixed media Santos Dolls

A few weeks before my class I needed a guinea pig to practice teaching. Guess who the lucky participant was? Yep, you guessed it my hubby!! He did a fantastic job and added his own spin to it. 

He wanted to add a manly spin to his so I got out my Steampunk Shape Set. He fashioned a head dress using the wings and gears in the set. 

He had a lesson in heat embossing while preparing the chip board gears. 

Onto the details of class

I had so much fun setting up a special place setting for each lady. 

Everyone enjoyed watching their pieces crackle. 

And rusting the skirts was a blast. 

Each doll had a personality all its own once we started adding the jewels and finishing details. 

Here they are all together. Each and everyone different and beautiful!! 

It was such a great day full of laughs and creativity and even a little bit of cake!! I am so thankful to Melanie and Marcie for letting me share my love of creating in their beautiful store. 

These Santos Dolls are so fun to make. I think I have made 4 to date. I have a tutorial you can revisit for even more inspiration. If you make one I would love for you to let me know!! Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today. 
Happy Creating ~ Jennalee 

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